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  • nicolabolger295

Spring Wandering Inspiration

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

There is definitely a feeling of spring in the air and the promise of new beginnings. Yesterday we went for a beautiful walk in the Surrey Hills sunshine. I managed to collect a few wild flowers to take advantage of the glorious sun rays when we returned home and make a few sun prints but more of those later.

The Old Saxon Church

During the walk we stopped in one of my favourite churches, the redundant Old Saxon Church in Albury, Surrey. This is a beautiful little church that always brings a sense of calm and a little wonder when you see the highly decorated mortuary Chapel, a riot of Victorian colour and decoration alongside remnants of 14th century wall paintings of saints. We've visited this Church many times on walks not for any particular religious reasons but to stop and enjoy the beauty. That's definitely one of the most important parts of our walks, enjoying the beauty around us, there's no better mood brightener, (no matter how much the oldest may protest, he always comes round!)

Beautiful Stained Glass window


New beginnings are definitely around the corner with both my children heading back to school this week and the start of some normality is slowly creeping in. I hope to find more time for creating more artworks and decorative pieces and will share as I make. Today some daffodils and buttercups made it to the sun printing or cyanotype printing process and while they continue to develop overnight I look forward to seeing the final results in the morning and sharing here soon. Spring flowers are definitely featuring heavily in my work at the moment as I can't resist the delicate Crocus, Daffodils, Snowdrops and Buttercups all around. As they're here for such a short time it's a joy to celebrate and capture the beauty of these little wonders as much as I can. What's your favourite spring time flower?

Daffodils during wet cyanotype process.

Buttercups getting more printing treatment.


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